
Monday, July 22, 2013

Bún Bò Huế (Bún Bò Giò Heo) - Vietnamese Spicy Lemongrass Beef Noodle Soup - easy family recipe

Bún Bò Huế (Bún Bò Giò Heo)

Bún Bò Huế (Bún Bò Giò Heo

Ingredients (serves  8-10 bowls):

  • Broth
    • 1 medium dycon
    • 2 large onions
    • 1 head of garlic
    • 10 stocks of celery
    • 6 large carrots
    • 1/2 of a large pineapple
    • 2 lbs of chicken or pork bones
    • 1 bunch of lemongrass (6/8)
    • 4 oz. of fine shrimp sauce
    • 4 table spoon of fish sauce
    • salt to taste
    • 1 table spoon of sugar
  • Meat
    • 1 large beef shank
    • 4 pig's feet - cut to 4or 6 pieces each
  • 2 package of bun bo hue noodles or larger rice noodles
  •  Vegetables/herbs
    • thin sliced cabbage
    • thin sliced onions and green onions
    • cilantro minced
    • mint
    • basil
  • Spicy Oil 
    • 2 large shallots - minced
    • 6 cloves of garlic minced
    • olive oil
    • 4 thai red chili
    • 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
    • 2 table spoon of paprika


1.  Prepare shrimp sauce for use by mixing it in large bowl with warm water cover with plastic wrap and let sit for at least an hour so that the top water become clear...- we are only using the clear water for flavor.  You will add all the clear water to the broth pot.

fine shrimpt paste
shrimp sauce water

2.  Place Carrots, celery, onions, dycon, bones in a roasting tray and roast in oven at 400F for 25 minutes or until lightly roasted in color.

3.  In the largest soup pot you have - fill with water and add in all broth ingredients and simmer for 4 hours and check for seasoning often.
broth for bun bo hue
4.  Make the spicy oil by adding the diced shallots and Thai peppers to a cold sauce pan then pour enough olive oil to cover the ingredients with plenty of room to spare.  Turn heat on to the lowest setting possible and cook until shallots turned brown.  Turn off heat and add garlic, cayenne and paprika.  You will add this in to the broth towards the end.

5.  Add the beef shank to the broth and cook for 1 hr and 30 min. then removed and let cool.  After cool then cut the meat into thin slices and sauteed with a couple of spoon of the spicy oil.  You will add  this back into the broth after the broth is ready to be served.

6.   Clean the pig's feet by boiling in hot water for 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. You will add this to the broth after you removed all the veggies and bones from the broth and cook for 1/12 hours or until tender.

7. Cook noodles according to directions on packaging and wash and prepare  all  additional herbs.

8.  After 4 hours you will removed everything in the broth to make a clear broth.  Add the pig's feet and the spicy oil to the broth.  Simmer for about 1 hour or until pig's feet almost tender and adjust your seasonings.  Then add the sliced beef shank and cook for 15 minutes or until all meats are tender.

Final broth

9.  Enjoy you final product by pouring the broth over the noodles and add in the condiments.
Bun bo Hue

 Bảo lãnh di trú, SSI,  Luật Sư, Kế Toán (CPA), Bảo hiểm, Địa ốc, Kinh Doanh,  Thiết kế website....

Rao vặt miễn phí không cần đăng ký cho California, USA

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