
Saturday, August 13, 2011

USING FOODS AS MEDICINES (From the doctor's Desk)

HEAD ACHE = eat FISH..EAT PLANTY OF FISH - fish oi helps prevent headaches. So does ginger, which reduce inflammation and pain.

HEAVY FEVER = eat yogurt, eat lots of yogurt before problem season. Also eat honey from your area (local ergion) daily.

INSOMNIA (CAN'T SLEEP) = HONEY, use honey as tranquilizer and sedative.

ASTHMA = eat ONIONS,eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes.

= eat fish too. Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent arthritis (fish has omega oils, good for our immune system)

UPSET STOMACH = bananas will settle an upset stomach and ginger will cure coming sickness and nausea.

BLADDER INFECTION = drink cranberry juice, high-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria.

= Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed zinc.

COLD = eat garlic will clear up that stuffy head. (garlic also lowers cholesterol too)

COUGHING = use red peppers

BREAST CANCER = eat wheat, bran and cabbage, helps to maintain estrogen at healthy levels.

= eat cabbage also

DIARRHEA = grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this condition. Bananas are good for this ailment.

CLOGGED ARTERIES = Avocado, mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE = Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure and olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure.

= the chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.

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